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Summative Assessment – Go


Judging Student Performance

Judging Student Performance in Relation to Curriculum Outcomes

Teachers need to be cognizant that performance is only based on what the student demonstrates relative to curricular outcomes. While other factors such as behavior or work habits can be reported, these factors must be kept separate from the demonstration of outcomes.

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Assessing What Really Matters

Assessing What Really Matters

By identifying key learning goals and building quality rubrics to assess them, teachers can help students focus on the learning that really matters.

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Meaningful Assessment within a Group Context

Meaningful Assessment within a Group Context

Careful planning assists teachers in gathering meaningful assessment information about individual students though group tasks and projects.

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Differentiation – Even within Summative Assessment!

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Supporting Student Success

Supporting Student Success

A teacher at McNally High School in Edmonton describes a number of summative assessment practices he uses that reflect his commitment to fair and equitable assessment of student performance.

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Flexibility in Summative Assessment

Flexibility in Summative Assessment

A teacher at McNally High School in Edmonton allows for flexibility in the timing of summative assessment in the classroom.

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Public Content

Rethinking Commonly Held Beliefs

Many people believe that punishing student misbehaviour with grading penalties will motivate students to demonstrate the desired behaviour. Rick Wormeli provides another perspective for these common classroom assessment challenges.

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Rethinking Retakes

Rethinking Retakes

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Rethinking Lates

Rethinking Lates

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Rethinking Zero

Rethinking Zero

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Mean, Median and Mode

Mean, Median and Mode

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Learn More about Summative Assessment with AAC Publications

Scaffolding for Student Success

What do we do when students don’t understand? We scaffold to support student learning. Scaffolding for Student Success is an AAC professional resource that provides a variety of effective tools to scaffold student learning.

Assessment Conversations: Engaging with Colleagues to Support Student Learning

This new AAC resource has been 'made for Alberta'. It is a practical resource that every system leader, school leader and teacher can turn to for background information, answers to perplexing assessment questions, and concrete ideas for moving assessment practice forward in classrooms, schools and jurisdictions.
This publication has been written with the professional practice standards in mind. Consider this newest AAC resource to be an integral part of planning for implementation of the new standards - for teachers, school leaders and system leaders.

What Matters Most about Assessment

This handy flip book is a valuable reference guide to key principles of sound classroom assessment practice. When used in conjunction with the new AAC ‘Go’ page,, teachers can access resource listings for a variety of videos, professional learning materials, and samples of assessment tasks and techniques.

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