
Instructional Leadership in Assessment


It has been well-documented in the research literature that formative assessment supports student learning. This project, funded through an Alberta Education grant, was based on the premise that the application of those same principles of formative assessment could also support professional learning for teachers and leaders. In this way, formative assessment became both the content and the process for the project.

Information about Grant Activities


Phase One: Supporting the Coaching Process

Through a series of conversations and with support from the AAC Facilitator, school leaders from three southern Alberta school jurisdictions utilized a coaching process to support teachers in enhancing classroom assessment practice. Click on the link below to access information about the coaching process designed for this project.
Instructional Leadership Coaching Process (with external coach) (download PDF file)

A narrative inquiry research study followed a group of project participants over a two-year period of time. Click on the links below to access the complete final research report as well as a shorter summary of the research findings.
Narrative Inquiry: Coaching to Support Instructional Leadership in Assessment (download PDF file)
Summary of Research Findings: AAC Instructional Leadership in Assessment (download PDF file)

Phase Two: Supporting Leaders’ Growth in Assessment Knowledge and Skill

During this final year of the grant, AAC has been working with five leadership cohorts to design a model of leadership support in assessment that could be more readily implemented on a broader scale. A summary report will be posted as the project concludes in August 2016.

Videos Developed through Grant Activities

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