What's New at AAC?

For K-12 teachers

Are you overwhelmed by the sheer volume of summative assessments you are marking? Do you want to reclaim time for more impactful teaching? 

Learn how to assess effectively without drowning in marking and discover why formative assessment is the critical part of a balanced assessment plan.

Virtual session |  Jan 14  |  1-3 pm 

Grades 2-12 Teachers & Instructional Coaches!

Explore each element of differentiated learning and discover hands-on methods for incorporating them effectively in the classroom.

Walk away with actionable tools and strategies to ensure every student has a successful year!

Virtual session |  Jan 9  |  3:45 pm

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Assessment Talking Points

Especially for Teachers and Leaders

Why are we still talking about formative assessment?

Sherry Bennett: Reflections after Two Decades of Learning with AAC My first encounter with the Alberta Assessment Consortium was in 1999, when Robert Hogg, new to his role as AAC Executive Director, invited me to join the AAC summer development workshop. Through many conversations about this thing called ‘assessment for learning’, I gained insights about

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Especially for Teachers and Leaders

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated!

Pat Lore: Reflections at the End of a 9-Year Secondment Have you ever felt like you were in a relationship that just wasn’t working as well as you wanted it to? That wasn’t helping you live your best life?  I have, and that relationship is with assessment. I’m closing in on the end of my

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