
High School Mathematics


Yes, you can use formative assessment in High School mathematics classrooms!

AAC completed this project with a grant from Alberta Education. See practical classroom materials for students and PD materials for teachers, along with project overview videos and the external research reports.

Performance Assessment Tasks

Twelve performance assessment tasks, in English and French. Yes, you can use performance assessment in your High School Math classroom!

Performance Assessment
in Action

New to performance assessment? These videos will provide you with the support you need to use these tasks effectively with your students.

Click on the tabs below to access materials developed through the grant activities.

Performance Tasks and Student Exemplars (12 tasks – English and French)

Click on the links below to view and download resources. These also reside in the Performance Assessment collection.

Mathematics 10

Mathematics 10-C

Students determine the number of grain bins they must purchase to store the grain harvested on their hypothetical farm. They must solve problems that involve linear measurement, proportional reasoning, and the volume of 3-D objects. Access the Grain Bins task
Students analyze the progress of a hiker based on a graphical representation. They determine the equation of a line, and then they create a new story supported by their own graph. Access the Rocky Road Task

Les élèves analysent la progression du randonneur sur le sentier selon la représentation graphique. Ils déterminent l’équation d’un segment de droite avant de créer une nouvelle histoire basée sur leur propre graphique. Accès Randonnée dans les Rocheuses

Students must use reasoning to analyze the correlation between height and shoe size. They collect data, and use the data to predict the height of a thief involved in a theft. Student exemplars available with this task. Access The Footprint Task

Les élèves vont utiliser le raisonnement pour alalyser la corrélation entre la taille et la pointure des souliers. Ils collecteront les données afin de prédire la taille du suspect impliqué dans ce vol. Accès L’empreinte

Mathematics 10-3

Students will determine the cost for each neighbour for building a fence that separates their yards. The task provides opportunities for students to solve a complex, multi-step problem, using a variety of strategies of their own choice. Access the Good Fences Make Good Neighbours Task
Les élèves établiront, pour chaque voisin, le cout de construction d’une clôture séparant leurs deux cours. Ils devront utiliser le théorème de Pythagore, convertir en unités impériales les unités de mesure et les prix unitaires donnés en unités SI et déterminer un moyen équitable de partager les couts. Accès Les bonnes clotures font les bons voisins

Mathematics 20

Mathematics 20-1

Students create a proposal for a design for a seating plan for a new NHL arena. The proposal must include the number of seats in the new arena, the layout of those seats, and the price that should be charged for each seat. Student exemplars available with this task. Access the A New Arena Task
Les élèves doivent concevoir le plan des sièges d’un nouvel aréna. Pour ce faire, ils doivent utiliser des suites et des séries arithmétiques pour déterminer le nombre de sièges de chaque rangée, ainsi que des suites géométriques pour déterminer le prix des billets des sièges de chaque rangée. Accès Un Nouvel Aréna

Mathematics 20-2

Mathematics 20-2 Mathematics Research Project Students in Mathematics 20-2 are required to complete a Mathematics Research Project, on a topic of their choosing. This task includes a variety of sample topics. Access the Mathematics Research Project

Mathematics 20-3

Students will create a budget to project the responsible financial management of a typical teenage income.  The task involves exploring opportunities available when choosing a bank account and making decisions about simple and compound interest yielding investments. Access the Building a Budget Task
Les élèves devront établir un budget afin d’extrapoler la gestion responsable d’un revenu typique d’adolescent. D’autres aspects de cette tâche les amèneront à étudier les possibilités qui s’offrent à eux au moment de choisir un compte bancaire et de prendre des décisions concernant les placements à intérêt simple et à intérêt composé. Accès L’établissement d’un Budget
Students will determine the slope of roller coasters and explain how their slopes relate to the speed of the roller coaster. This project will help students refine their ability to communicate and solve problems. Student exemplars available with this task. Access the Which Roller Coaster is For Me? task
Les élèves doivent calculer la pente de trois montagnes russes et expliquer comment chaque pente affecte la vitesse. Ce projet aidera les élèves à améliorer leur capacité à communiquer et à résoudre des problèmes. Accès Quelle Montagnes Russes me Conviennent?

Mathematics 30

Mathematics 30-1

Students will examine the exponential growth of the number of Facebook users and make predictions based on that growth. The task will help students refine their ability to communicate and reason mathematically.Student exemplars available with this task. Access the Facebook Users – Math 30-1 task
Les élèves doivent examiner la croissance exponentielle du nombre d’utilisateurs de Facebook et formuler des prédictions en fonction de cette croissance. Ce projet permettra aux élèves de perfectionner leur capacité à communiquer en langage mathématique et à appliquer un raisonnement mathématique. Accès Utilisateurs de Facebook – Mathematiques 30-1

Mathematics 30-2

Students will examine the exponential growth of the number of Facebook users and make predictions based on that growth. The task will help students refine their ability to communicate and reason mathematically.Student exemplars available with this task. Access the Facebook Users – Mathematics 30-2 task
Les élèves doivent examiner la croissance exponentielle du nombre d’utilisateurs de Facebook et formuler des prédictions en fonction de cette croissance. Ce projet permettra aux élèves de perfectionner leur capacité à communiquer en langage mathématique et à appliquer un raisonnement mathématique. Accès Utilisateurs de Facebook – Mathématiques 30-2
Mathematics 30-2 Mathematics Research Project Students in Mathematics 30-2 are required to complete a Mathematics Research Project, on a topic of their choosing. This task includes a variety of sample topics. Access the Mathematics Research Project task

Mathematics 30-3

Students will compare the total cost of purchasing a car through financing versus leasing. The task provides opportunities for students to solve a multi-step problem. Access the Car Shopping task
Les élèves compareront le cout total entre le financement et la location d’un véhicule. Cette tâche fournit aux élèves l’occasion de résoudre un problème à étapes multiples. Accès L’achat d’un véhicule

Performance Tasks in Action (videos)

A Mathematics 10C class completes the Rocky Road performance task.

The key steps depicted in these videos model a process that teachers can use with any of the AAC performance tasks.

AAC Member Only Video

Rocky Road: Setting up the Class

Rocky Road: Setting up the Class

A teacher prepares her class to complete the task by highlighting the context, criteria, and rubric.

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Public Content

AAC Member Only Video

Rocky Road: Peer Coaching

Rocky Road: Peer Coaching

A student uses a Rocky Road peer coaching tool to get feedback on his work from a classmate.

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Public Content

AAC Member Only Video

Rocky Road: Rubric Grading

Rocky Road: Rubric Grading

Teachers model a collaborative process to grade student responses on the Rocky Road performance task.

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Public Content

Formative Assessment in Action

The following five videos showcase formative assessment within high school mathematics classrooms. Materials from the teachers’ lessons are available within the Support Materials link.

AAC Member Only Video

Formative Assessment: Checking for Understanding

Formative Assessment: Checking for Understanding

Student responses from exit slips assist teachers in adjusting instruction to better meet student learning needs.

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Public Content

AAC Member Only Video

Formative Assessment: Peer Feedback

Formative Assessment: Peer Feedback

Effective peer feedback processes have the potential to support learning for both the student giving feedback and the student receiving the feedback.

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Public Content

AAC Member Only Video

Formative Assessment: Student Self-reflection

Formative Assessment: Student Self-reflection

Effective self-reflection opportunities empower students to become owners of their learning.

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Public Content

AAC Member Only Video

Formative Assessment: Individual Whiteboards

Formative Assessment: Individual Whiteboards

Individual whiteboards are a great classroom tool to facilitate the exchange of feedback between students and their teachers.

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Public Content

AAC Member Only Video

Formative Assessment: Practice in Math

Formative Assessment: Practice in Math

Structured activities like row games and speed dating help students learn how to give appropriate feedback to their peers.

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Public Content

Project Overview

AAC worked with a grant from Alberta Education over a two-year period to support sound assessment practices, both formative and summative, in high school mathematics classrooms. These videos showcase the purposes of the project, and feature students and teachers reflecting on their experiences.

Year One Project Overview

AAC Member Only Video

Formative Assessment in High School Mathematics Classrooms

Formative Assessment in High School Mathematics Classrooms

Alberta teachers and students discuss how formative assessment supports student learning in high school mathematics classrooms.

Click to view video page >>

Public Content

Year Two Project Overview

AAC Member Only Video

Teacher Leaders Supporting Sound Assessment Practices

Teacher Leaders Supporting Sound Assessment Practices

Teacher leaders learn how to support sound assessment practices in high school mathematics classrooms.

Click to view video page >>

Public Content

Research Findings

A formal research project was completed as part of both years of the grant. The Literature Reviews provide additional sources for further reading on this topic. The Research Reports provide a description of the project, the research methodology, key findings from participants, and suggestions for further research.

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