Classroom Materials
New Sample Tasks & Rubrics
AAC Authentic Performance Assessment Tasks are specifically designed for the Alberta Curriculum. We are constantly evergreening these tasks so they reflect the most current curriculum and are relevant to the students of today.

Authentic Assessments
Over 250 feedback-based Performance Assessments tasks for K – 12 classrooms.

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learning support on a fee for service basis.
AAC Latest Blog Posts
AAC Regional 2019 Spring Symposia
Attention K -4 Teachers and Leaders! Confident, Healthy and Hopeful: Assessment to Support Our Youngest Learners Katie White Assessment decisions that teachers make every day have a profound impact on our students, and this is especially true for our youngest learners. Katie White will share her experience with integrating learner centered assessment practices within new
Assessment and a New Alberta Curriculum
Curriculum and assessment are inseparable. While it’s true that assessment must be an accurate reflection of the curriculum, it’s also true that curriculum must be written in such a manner as to support effective assessment practice. AAC invites you to consider 3 key things when looking at the new curriculum ‘through the lens of assessment’.