Authentic Performance Assessments
Home » The Amazing Number Fair – Kindergarten Math – New Curriculum
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New Curriculum Authentic Performance Task:
Kindergarten Math
The Amazing Number Fair!
Learning Outcomes
- Children interpret compositions of quantities within 10.
- Children interpret compositions of quantities within 10.
Task Description
Students pretend they are vendors at the Amazing Number Fair. As a vendor, they create a display booth using a number between 5 and 10. As they complete the task, they begin to develop their number sense. When the displays are ready, the Amazing Number Fair vendors will share their interesting number displays.
Task Links
- Kindergarten
- Mathematics
Facts, Skills and Concepts
- Number
- Quantity
- Grouping
- Comparative Language
Counting Principles:
- Abstraction
- One to One Correspondence
- Stable Order
- Cardinality
- Order Irrelevance
Please Note**
The new curriculum tasks are still in draft and have not yet been piloted by teachers in the classroom. If you are interested in piloting a task and providing feedback to our performance task designers, please fill out the form below.