Assessments: 10-Level Courses
Showing 11 Assessments
English Language Arts
Dig This: An Archeologist Discovers Text -New Look!
The student will take the role of an archaeologist writing journals, using poetry as the subject art … Read more
Second Language
10-Level Courses
How is the Weather? (Spanish)
Students compose and present a brief, simple weather report.
Second Language
10-Level Courses
Games Day (Spanish)
Students participate in a games day in Spanish class.
Second Language
10-Level Courses
Gazons (French)
Students describe to a friend what they did on the weekend.
10-Level Courses
Randonnée dans les Rocheuses (10C)
La pente en tant que taux de variation, les équations linéaires. Les élèves analysent la progression … Read more
10-Level Courses
L’empreinte (10C)
Les élèves vont utiliser le raisonnement pour analyser la corrélation entre la taille et la pointure … Read more
10-Level Courses
Les bonnes clôtures font les bons voisins (10-3)
Les élèves établiront, pour chaque voisin, le cout de construction d’une clôture séparant leurs deux … Read more
10-Level Courses
Rocky Road (10C)
Students analyze the progress of a hiker based on a graphical representation. They determine the equ … Read more
10-Level Courses
The Footprint (10C)
Students must use reasoning to analyze the correlation between height and shoe size. They collect da … Read more
10-Level Courses
Grain Bins (10C)
Students determine the number of grain bins they must purchase to store the grain harvested on their … Read more
10-Level Courses
Good Fences Make Good Neighbours (10-3)
Students will determine the cost for each neighbour for building a fence that separates their yards. … Read more