Authentic Performance Assessments
Home » Earth Squad – Kindergarten Science – New Curriculum
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New Curriculum Authentic Performance Task:
Kindergarten Science and English Language Arts and Literacy
The Earth Squad
Learning Outcomes
- Children examine and describe surrounding environments.
- Children experiment with written expression of ideas and information.
Task Description
Students imagine they are members of the Earth Squad club. They work on projects throughout the year to protect their environment. The Earth Squad members are asked to make a pledge to protect the environment.
Task Links
- Kindergarten
- Science and Language Arts
Facts, Skills and Concepts
- Communication
- Writing
- Digital Messages
- Non- Digital Messages
- Expression
- Recording Information
- Creative Thinking
- Earth Systems
- Environment
- Five Senses
- Respect
- Natural Objects
- Human-Made Objects
Please Note**
The new curriculum tasks are still in draft and have not yet been piloted by teachers in the classroom. If you are interested in piloting a task and providing feedback to our performance task designers, please fill out the form below.
Are you interested in collecting and submitting samples of student work for this AAC Performance Task?
An AAC Field Services Facilitator will walk you through the process. Please fill out the form below to contact us!
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