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Student Materials

Street Cents Panel Member

Students will participate as panel members on the CBC television show Street Cents. This presentation will highlight the advertising technique(s) used in a commercial for a food or beverage and discuss how the media influences our food and beverage choices.

Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC).

Student Task, Graphic Organizer

Teacher Materials


Assessment is based on the learner outcomes. Criteria represent synthesized statements of big ideas derived from knowledge and skill outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies.

Formative Assessment

No guides available at this time. 

Student Samples

We are looking for student samples related to this task. Do you have student samples you would like to share? Get in touch with the form below.

Are you interested in collecting and submitting samples of student work for this AAC Performance Task?

An AAC Field Services Facilitator will walk you through the process. Please fill out the form below to contact us!

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