L’achat d’un véhicule (30-3)
Student Materials
Teacher Materials
Outcome Correlation
L'évaluation est basée sur les résultats d'apprentissage. Les critères représentent des énoncés synthétisés de grandes idées tirées des connaissances et des compétences du programme d'études de l'Alberta.
Formative Assessment
Discussion guides can support students in acquiring key skills that are assessed within the task. Select the skill that is an area of focus for the class, or to support individual students.
Click on the Images below to preview the pdf of the task
Student Samples
We are looking for student samples related to this task. Do you have student samples you would like to share? Get in touch with the form below.
Are you interested in collecting and submitting samples of student work for this AAC Performance Task?
An AAC Field Services Facilitator will walk you through the process. Please fill out the form below to contact us!