Archives: Assessment Materials
Détectives des données
Les détectives de données, une entreprise spécialisée dans la fourniture de données aux entreprises de produits pour enfants, a sollicité l’aide de vos élèves. L’objectif de vos élèves est d’explorer les préférences de loisirs de leurs camarades. Dans leur rôle de détectives de données, ils ont pour mission de formuler une prédiction et de poser des questions liées à une activité largement appréciée parmi leurs camarades de classe. Après la phase de collecte de données, ils sont responsables de développer une représentation visuelle pour présenter leurs découvertes à l’équipe de direction des détectives de données.
Grade One Book Worms
Students are invited to share their passion for reading by joining the Bookworms Club and helping the library showcase their favorite books. Bookworms share a book, retell the story, and connect it with their own experiences.
Mathematics Research Project (30-2)
Mathematics Research Project (30-2)
Students in Mathematics 30-2 are required to complete a Mathematics Research Project.
Mathematics Research Project (20-2)
Mathematics Research Project (20-2)
Students in Mathematics 20-2 are required to complete a Mathematics Research Project.
Faisons nos valises
Faisons nos valises
L’élève planifiera un voyage de rêve de 10 jours et proposera son budget et son itinéraire à sa famille.
Je vous présente le nombre…
Je vous présente le nombre…
Tu es un animateur/une animatrice par excellence et ta connaissance des nombres est recherchée par les grandes chaînes de télévision.
At the Ukrainian Restaurant (Ukrainian)
At the Ukrainian Restaurant (Ukrainian)
Students role play being a customer or a server at a Ukrainian restaurant.
This task was developed by teachers at the Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC) Summer Workshop for Second Languages, funded by a grant from Alberta Education.
Plan Your Weekend (Spanish)
Plan Your Weekend (Spanish)
Students plan a weekend calendar of events by inviting a friend to join activities and by accepting and/or declining invitations offered by other students.
How is the Weather? (Spanish)
How is the Weather? (Spanish)
Students compose and present a brief, simple weather report.
Games Day (Spanish)
Games Day (Spanish)
Students participate in a games day in Spanish class.
Fact Sheet for Travelers (Spanish)
Fact Sheet for Travelers (Spanish)
Students will create a fact sheet for prospective travelers, presenting information on various aspects of a Spanish speaking country.
Hot Lunch (Spanish)
Hot Lunch (Spanish)
Students suggest their preferred foods for a hot lunch menu.
Getting to Know You (Spanish)
Getting to Know You (Spanish)
Students will participate in a game to ask and answer questions about favourite things.
My Picture Book (Spanish)
My Picture Book (Spanish)
Students will create a picture book about emotions and feelings to share with younger students.
Survival Tip Sheet For Japanese Exchange Students (Japanese)
Survival Tip Sheet For Japanese Exchange Students (Japanese)
Students prepare a survival tip sheet for Japanese high school exchange students during their stay in Alberta.
This task was developed by teachers at the Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC) Summer Workshop for Second Languages, funded by a grant from Alberta Education.
Can I Go Out Tonight? (Japanese)
Can I Go Out Tonight? (Japanese)
Students ask for permission from different people to do activities in different situations. Students also practice giving or refusing permission.
This task was developed by teachers at the Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC) Summer Workshop for Second Languages, funded by a grant from Alberta Education.
Mein Lieblingsfilm (German)
Mein Lieblingsfilm (German)
Students talk about their favourite film, giving simple reasons for why they like it.
This task was developed by teachers at the Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC) Summer Workshop for Second Languages, funded by a grant from Alberta Education.
I’m Sick! (Chinese)
I’m Sick! (Chinese)
Students provide personal information to a receptionist in a Chinese acupuncturist clinic.
This task was developed by teachers at the Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC) Summer Workshop for Second Languages, funded by a grant from Alberta Education.
Gazons (French)
Gazons (French)
Field of Experience: Activities (Social).
Students describe to a friend what they did on the weekend.
Ça fait mal!
Ça fait mal!
French, Field of Experience: Sports and Exercise.
Students describe to a classmate an injury they have sustained.
Bienvenue à CBC RADIO-CANADA sport!
Bienvenue à CBC RADIO-CANADA sport!
French, Field of Experience: Sports and Exercise.
Students conduct brief interviews, with some spontaneity.
Soyez benevolat(e)
Soyez benevolat(e)
French, Field of Experience: Animaux.
Students act as student volunteers at a local zoo and help visitors solve simple problems.
Café sandwich
Café sandwich
French, Field of Experience: Food.
Students provide instructions for making a sandwich to a new employee at the Café Sandwich.
Mon nouvel animal domestique
Mon nouvel animal domestique
French, Field of Experience: Animaux.
Students write an email to another grade 8 student, describing their new pet.
Un échange
Un échange
French, Field of Experience: People Around Me.
Students will share information about themselves and their family with an exchange partner.
Trouvez le chemin
Trouvez le chemin
French, Field of Experience: School.
Students will take on the role of a student host at a school event to guide visitors to their desired destination.
Around Alberta
Around Alberta
French, Field of Experience: Alberta – My Province.
Students share information about where in Alberta they will visit to do a special activity.
Quel animal?
Quel animal?
French, Field of Experience: Our Friends – The Animals.
Students share their choice for an animal class mascot.
Mon animal perdu
Mon animal perdu
French, Field of Experience: Our Friends – The Animals.
Students will create a ‘missing poster’ about their lost pet.
Qui suis-je?
Qui suis-je?
French, Field of Experience: Who am I?
Students pretend to be contestants on a game show and ask questions to their classmates in order to discover their secret identity.
Je me présente
Je me présente
French, Field of Experience: Who am I?
Students will write a simple email to introduce themselves to another grade 4 student.
Planning a Healthy Road Trip Menu
Planning a Healthy Road Trip Menu
Students create a menu for themselves as they embark on a school trip. The menu should be based on healthy eating strategies when eating away from home. Students will identify the reasons for the choices they made.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC).
Street Cents Panel Member
Street Cents Panel Member
Students will participate as panel members on the CBC television show Street Cents. This presentation will highlight the advertising technique(s) used in a commercial for a food or beverage and discuss how the media influences our food and beverage choices.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC).
The Healthy Living Challenge
The Healthy Living Challenge
Students will create a log of snacks eaten and physical activity undertaken for a two-week period of time. Students will describe the effects in a letter to a pen pal.
Dietary Decisions
Dietary Decisions
Students research and present an oral report on an eating behaviour, showing how this behaviour links to healthy eating habits.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC).
My Active Community
My Active Community
Students will research and orally present information regarding their family’s physical activity choices to a community recreation director. This presentation will highlight the reasons why their families make these choices.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC).
Design Challenge
Design Challenge
Students create a blueprint for a multi-purpose recreation facility that promotes and encourages a healthy active lifestyle, encourages healthy nutritional choices and addresses obstacles that may limit physical activity, and make an oral presentation to the recreation planning board.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC).
Alien Invasion
Alien Invasion
Students record data on food intake, sleep and activity for a one week time period. Using the data gathered, the students analyze their health habits as compared to the guidelines given by Health Canada, and identify the strengths and weaknesses in their lifestyle.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC).
The Safety Network
The Safety Network
Students observe and record examples of responsible safety behaviours in the school and on the playground. They write a plan for improvement and a newscast highlighting noteworthy examples of safety behaviour.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between the AAC and Alberta Education.
Healthy Retreat
Healthy Retreat
Students develop a two-day program reflecting a realistic, balanced lifestyle for their peer group or family. Next, they create a promotional poster, brochure or commercial.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and Alberta Education.
Personal Study Plan
Personal Study Plan
Students will reflect upon learning strategies that work for them and develop a personal study plan to assist with learning throughout the year.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and Alberta Education.
How Should I Act?
How Should I Act?
In this performance assessment, which may be introduced through literature, video or everyday issues and discussions, students will develop knowledge and skills to apply to real-life management situations.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and Alberta Education.
I Can Achieve It
I Can Achieve It
This is a two-part performance assessment focusing on identifying and applying the steps of a goal-setting process.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and Alberta Education.
Very Important Friend
Very Important Friend
The purpose of this performance assessment is to provide specific opportunities for students to demonstrate and reflect on their friendship skills.
I Never Knew Your Name
I Never Knew Your Name
Using the story I Never Knew Your Name, students apply empathy skills to identify with a teenage boy who commits suicide, and with the young boy telling the story.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between AAC and Alberta Education.
A Letter to Trisha
A Letter to Trisha
Using the story, Thank You, Mr, Falker, by Patricia Polacco, students will compose and write a letter to the main character, Trisha. The letter will identify, describe and give examples of negative incidents and feelings experienced by the main character.
Developed by Alberta teachers through a partnership between the AAC and Alberta Education.
L’achat d’un véhicule (30-3)
L’achat d’un véhicule (30-3)
Les élèves compareront le cout total entre le financement et la location d’un véhicule. Cette tâche fournit aux élèves l’occasion de résoudre un problème à étapes multiples.
Utilisateurs de Facebook (30-2)
Utilisateurs de Facebook (30-2)
Les élèves doivent examiner la croissance exponentielle du nombre d’utilisateurs de Facebook et formuler des prédictions en fonction de cette croissance.